Improving Customs Transit Systems
In the Islamic Countries
The imposition of national security requirements (guarantee, bond, a deposit of duty,
etc.) to cover the potential duties, taxes and other charges at risk while the goods are in
transit through each territory;
Reduce the Customs requirements deriving from national transit procedures. The
transit system should avoid the necessity - expensive in manpower and facilities - for
physical inspection in countries of transit other than checking seals and the external
conditions of the load compartment or container;
Use of Customs Risk Management to focus on high-risk consignments; and also
Provide simplification for Customs authorities arising from the fact that the
international transit operation is covered by a single transit document, which reduces
the risk of presenting inaccurate information – or data discrepancies- to different
Customs administrations.
Best Practices
ASEAN ACTS Best practices
- The ACTS aims to improve the ASEAN customs efficiency and
transparency in transit by improving Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation initiative
through the utilization of information technology and by developing an advanced, web-based
transit system.
ACTS is aimed at supporting the exchange of structured messages among the Customs
Administration in the ASEAN Region by managing the movement of goods in transit. Such a
system does not intend to replace, but to complement the current and future national Customs
systems in transit procedure and to assist human controllers in ASEAN countries. Guarantee
management and the management of risk are the key components of the system.
The benefits of ACTS
Access to the ASEAN Customs Transit System to all authorized traders in accordance
with mutually agreed and pre-defined criteria, without discrimination;
Electronic communication between traders and Customs authorities, as well as
electronic communication among Customs authorities of Member States for each step
in the application of ASEAN Customs Transit procedure;
Single regional Customs transit declaration;
One transit guarantee valid for all ASEAN countries, provided by approved guarantors
from the financial sector;
Simplifications and exemptions from standard requirements for authorized compliant
traders based on risk profiling.
International Goods in Transit (TIM) Best practices
- The operation of the TIM platform
basically depends on the level technology acquired by each participating country; the CAs is
ADB, 2012, Trade and trade facilitation in the Greater Mekong Sub region; Chapter 4: Trade Transit System in the GMS—
Can It Work as Proposed? Des Grimble and Gordon Linington; (p.93)