Improving Customs Transit Systems
In the Islamic Countries
constituted by government decree in July 2016, Council constitutes permanent working groups
for the simplification of trade procedures (currently 6); 5 arranged byWTO TFA articles matters
(including the transit regime), and one legislative and EAEU.
Relevant government bodies (around 20) are represented in the National Trade Facilitation
Committee (NTFC) at director level. Lead Agency is the MoE. The engagement differs across
Agencies, with some not very active. This may be due to a limited understanding of theWTO TFA
and the role of CTR.
The lead agency is the Ministry of Economy, which has responsibility for foreign trade policy
and customs policy.
The NTFC has been created in 2016 and has met once in 2017 and once in 2018. In 2019 they
met already twice (January and April). The NTFC working groups may meet more frequently,
namely the working group on transit.
The role of the National Transit Coordinator is to coordinate and interact with state bodies on
practical measures to simplify administrative procedures for import, export, and transit of
The other main responsibilities of the National Transit Coordinator are:
Processing the requests and informing the OGAs on the proper management of transit
Practical implementation and implementation of best practices of customs
administration in accordance with the recommendations of the World Customs
Organization and provisions of the EAEU Customs Union Agreement.
4.1.11 Single Window
One of the identified weaknesses of the Kyrgyz Republic National Single Window “TULPAR” was
lack of tools for the establishment of permanent communication links - back-office collaboration
and coordination among the OGAs and ministries. Another issue was the real-time exchange of
permits and certificates with KCS.
TULPAR single window allows the submission to all participants of foreign economic activity
(foreign trade activities) information demanded by regulatory agencies for the management of
import, export, and transit operations.
At the same time, “Tunduk” IT Platform (the term denotes the uniting of 40 ancient tribes in
Kyrgyzstan) is providing the e-services for the citizens and government authorities.
Tunduk platform will integrate the TULPAR NSW, Customs Administrations, and other
regulatory agencies (ongoing project).