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Preferential Trade Agreements and Trade Liberalization Efforts in the OIC Member States

With Special Emphasis on the TPS-OIC


on excluded countries, basically as a result of the very different export structures between

them and the two signatories and the fact that in most of the products that these selected

vulnerable countries export to the EU and the US, the MFN is already zero.

A qualitative approach to the analysis of FTAs is the one applied by following the guidelines of

the Sussex Framework (Evans et al, 2006). The Sussex Framework discusses and applies a set

of rule of thumb to evaluating the likely effect of an FTA. Although such an analysis does not

provide estimates of the magnitude of the effects, the methodology is firmly based on clear

theoretical principles such as the comparative advantage and the gains from specialisation

coming from trade liberalisation, and can provide much more detailed and granular analysis.

The Sussex Framework has been systematised and formalised using TradeSift and it has been

applied to the analysis of many FTAs agreements. The main advantage of TradeSift and the

Sussex Framework is that its use is open to many trade policy makers and does not require

very specialised knowledge as the gravity model or the CGE. It can be applied with standard

trade and tariff data without the need of performing any statistical inference. It can be applied

very quickly and easily to the analysis of different FTAs by any trade official or policy maker as

the principles behind it are theoretically well founded but also easy to comprehend using

standard intuition.





The preceding section covered a range of core conceptual and empirical issues. In this part of

the report we take a somewhat narrower perspective and consider more explicitly what the

provisions are in the world trading system are with regard to regional or preferential trade

agreements, and provide some summary statistics as to the nature and extent of such

agreements. In the subsequent sections of the report we then go on to considering such issues

in the context of the OIC countries.



The Scope of Free Trade Agreements

Art.I of the GATT defines the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) principle determines the rules the

trade between member states. The MFN principle establishes that any advantage, favour,

privilege or immunity granted by any contracting party to any product originating in or

destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like

product originating in or destined for the territories of all other contracting parties. In

practical terms and according to this article, any concessions made to a particular member in

terms of tariffs (and non-tariff measures) must be extended to all other members.