Enhancing Public Availability of Customs Information
In the Islamic Countries
Figure 39: Management of an importation paper in PortNet.
Source: PortNet.
The TradeSense initiative has only recently been launched in Morocco, with the support of the
World Bank as part of its TIP program. TradeSense is closely associated with PortNet. Its
contents and operations cannot currently be evaluated, as the site is not yet live. However, the
intention is to create a comprehensive repository of Customs and trade-related information that
will be available online to exporters and importers alike, as well as other members of the trade
community. Given that PortNet already plays an important role in this regard, it is unclear
exactly what will change with the implementation of TradeSense. Clearly, there will need to be
attention given to the need to ensure consistency between the two sources, to keep them both
updated, and to ensure that there is no confusion for the trade community in having two
repositories to consult.