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Authorized Economic Operators

In the Islamic Countries:

Enhancing Customs-Traders Partnership


Regional AEO Program:

Developing countries with a lower trade volume may face difficulties to achieve the security of

Customs as well as providing sufficient trade facilitation to the private sector. With the limited

resources, the initial capacity building and governance in such countries, it would be hard to

initiate an AEO program. Regional Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program would be a

good opportunity for these countries to initiate AEO programs and to fulfill security and trade

facilitation goals.

The successful regional AEO programs should be composed of countries that have trade

volumes more than a certain threshold, similar governance structure, cooperation background,

and physical proximity. The initial stage for the countries to develop a regional AEO program is

to take a formal decision. Secondly a working group should develop a common legislation

supported by the national legislations of the participant countries. Capacity building both at

the regional level and the national level in a harmonized framework is key for regional AEO to

work properly. Running a pilot phase before implementation would provide insights to the

participant Customs to diagnose the areas that need improvement.

The benefits of involving in a regional AEO program for small economies would be itemized as



In small economies, the basic problem of AEO programs is that the companies do not

get sufficient benefits preventing them to join AEO programs. With regional AEO,

companies in a small economy will get more benefits than they get from a national

AEO, which would incentivize them to join the regional AEO programs.


The prerequisites of design and implementation of AEO programs to Customs are

capacity building both in human capital such as training and employment of qualified

staff and infrastructure of the Customs operations such as developing the IT capacity

and improvement and adoption of the related legal framework. In this respect, it may

not be affordable for small economies to design an AEO program. However,

involvement in a regional cooperation would decrease costs of an AEO program.

Moreover, regional AEO programs would boost export and import in the region due to

the trade facilitation provided by the AEO program as well as the increased

cooperation and alignment of the infrastructure and legal environment among the

participant countries.


Mutual recognition agreements are the complements of the AEO programs in two

perspectives: (a) enabling the companies to benefit from trade facilitation provided by

the partner countries in addition to national benefits of holding AEO status, (b)

utilizing the resources at the national Customs in risky transactions from the partner

countries due to the decreasing controls of the partners’ AEO companies. However, it

is not easy for a small economy to sign MRA with its trade partners as it is costly to

harmonize two AEO programs for signing MRA. Therefore, countries usually prefer to

spend its effort of signing MRA with countries that it has significant trade volume.

Demand for signing an MRA with a Regional AEO is significantly higher compared to

the individual country within the regional AEO.