Special Economic Zones in the OIC Region:
Learning from Experience
Institutional Frameworks
Some of the most successful SEZs within OIC Member Countries have established new
institutions to regulate, operate and develop SEZs. The ability of new institutions to operate
from a new and relevant mandate, including new systems and procedures, allows them to
provide a new set of skills and a new culture of performance, transparency and autonomy from
established government institutions.
In circumstances where countries are considering multiple SEZs or moving from a single SEZ to
a multiple zone country, then establishment of a single SEZ authority should also be considered
to regulate all of the zones. An overarching authority enables the leverage of existing expertise
and avoid the potential pitfalls of multiple authorities competing with one another and creating
investor confusion.
It is also key for the SEZ authority to have involvement from different government
departments/agencies, as well as the private sector – whether direct or indirect (i.e. sitting on
the board of the SEZ authority or just providing necessary input, e.g. granting of business
licenses / work permits).
There is also an important role for the private sector in the separation of regulation and
operation of SEZs. Whilst it is appropriate for the public sector to retain authority for regulating
economic zones, there is increasing evidence that the incorporation of the private sector into
the operation of zones can yield a number of benefits. This includes increased efficiencies as well
as investment in infrastructure on BOT agreements.
Examples from OIC Member Countries
Morocco – Tanger Med Zones
The TMSA was established as a special public – private agency with public prerogatives, tasked
with the responsibility of driving the economic transformation of the Tanger Med region. The
specific objectives of the agency are to focus on the execution of projects and to manage the large
land reserve which has been granted to it and through its subsidiaries manages the operation of
the Tanger Med Port and the Industrial Platform. This has been very successful through effective
cooperation with the private sector.