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fish and shrimp by improving the official food safety control system.



Training of trainers (review and assessment of lab. capacity and performance, funding for

equipment, and training).


Orientation programme for SME’s ((workshops and study tour)


Review of relevant regulatory/legal framework.


Dissemination to industry (seminars and workshops)

The assessment conducted by the OECD and the WTO highlighted the following achievements,

failures and lessons:

Results Achieved

Component 3:

-Increased capacities and improved operations; more understanding and recognition of

problems, ability to become more market

oriented and thus serve the business


-Training of young technicians led to the improvement of institutional capacities.

-Laid down a good foundation for future institutional collaboration between the RI centres

and EU labs.

-Greater networking between EU labs and RI centres.

Component 4

-Strengthened labs on quality management.

-Created new legal framework and inspection procedures.

-Strengthened the capability of the competent authorities and created quality manager


-Purchased and installed equipment for fisheries labs.

-Reduced trade barriers and improved trade flows to EU (short term impact: rapid alerts

reduced from 70 in 2004 to 11 in 2010).

-Improved market access, approval for fisheries exports to the EU to increase continually (in

2007: 109 fisheries exporters and in January 2011: 176 fisheries exporters).

Factors for failure

-The initial objectives were too ambitious.

-The duration of the programme (1.5 years to 2.5 years) was not long enough to build up

national capacities particularly in highly technical areas.

Lessons Learned

-It takes time to build up trade

related capacities in developing countries, often up to 2


years before results can be seen.

-An assessment of trade

related needs should be carefully undertaken and gaps properly

