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Box 2.2. New Zealand- China Free Trade Agreement: key outcomes

Liberalised trade in goods

The NZ-China FTA provides for the removal over time of tariffs on 96% of New Zealand exports: New

Zealand will make an annual duty saving of $115.5 million, based on current trade.

Rules to govern trade

The NZ-China FTA contains rules to determine which products qualify for tariff cuts (the 'Rules of

Origin') as well as rules to counter unfair trade or unexpected surges in imported products from the

other country.

Liberalised trade in services

The FTA also covers services and New Zealand service providers benefit from China expanding its

commitments in services including in education and environmental services.

Movement of people

New Zealand will also benefit from provisions to facilitate the travel of business people to China and

from access to skilled workers from China in certain occupations where long term skills shortages


Facilitation for investment

In the area of investment, New Zealand will benefit from enhanced protections for investments

established in China, as well as a provision to ensure that New Zealand investors remain competitive

with investors from other countries. The FTA also provides New Zealand investors with access to

binding third-party arbitration procedures if the Chinese Government breaches the investment


Measures to improve the business environment

The NZ-China FTA aims in other ways to improve the business environment and open up opportunities

for business. Measures relating to:


customs procedures


sanitary and phytosanitary procedures


technical barriers to trade, and


intellectual property

are designed to reduce barriers to doing business between New Zealand and China. The NZ-China FTA

establishes a framework for cooperation to enhance the benefits of the FTA. The objective is to build

on the existing cooperative relationship and create new opportunities for both countries.

Conformity Assessment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment

The FTA includes a Mutual Recognition Agreement on Electrical and Electronic Equipment

(EEEMRA), which will facilitate conformity assessments of a large proportion of electrical and

electronic products traded between New Zealand and China.

Dispute settlement

The FTA establishes robust dispute settlement mechanisms and contains protections to preserve both

countries' domestic regulatory and policy-making flexibility.

Environment and labour

China and New Zealand have entered into a binding Environment Cooperation Agreement and a

binding Memorandum of Understanding on Labour Cooperation. These Agreements will enhance

communication and cooperation on these issues and help towards the objectives of raising working

standards and improving environmental protection in both countries.

Source: Government of New Zealand “NEW ZEALAND-CHINA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT”


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