Reducing Postharvest Losses
In the OIC Member Countries
New industries can emerge from postharvest losses. A good example of this is the
utilisation cassava peel waste for various different down-stream industries such as
animal feed, starch recovery and mushroom media in Ghana and Nigeria. The same
could also be said of bioenergy recovery, and upgrading of slaughter-house by-
The Indonesian artisanal fisheries sector is a good example of multi-actor
collaboration to reduce postharvest losses. Here, a coordinated development of
capacity (through government), improvement to the enabling environment through
strategic investment (e.g., landings and ice machines), upgrading of key aspects of the
value chain (e.g., better roads and more reliable electricity) and innovative approaches
(a zero loss programme in fish processing factories) have contributed to a significant
reduction in postharvest losses.
There are a few examples of national loss reporting systems identified by this analysis
(e.g. APHLIS and the Indonesia fisheries sector). Where these systems exist and are
used by policy makers, emerging evidence suggests that investment and policy
measures that target postharvest loss reduction become normative.