Improving Institutional Capacity:
Strengthening Farmer Organizations in the OIC Member Countries
Collaborating with the International Labor Organization (ILO) to adapt and
implement Recommendation 193 in the OIC context.
Recommendation 193
provides a framework for farmer organization promotion and has already been
adapted by several OIC countries. Here, the ILO could provide advice on the creation of
such policies, while OIC Members provide advice on OIC-specific considerations.
Gathering and disseminating better and more transparent data
on farmer
organizations and strengthening efforts.
Given significant gaps in the availability of
data on the size and strength of FOs, as well as on government allocations for FO-
strengthening efforts, there is a clear opportunity for OIC Member Countries to
collaborate with the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for
Islamic Countries (SESRIC) on this subject.
Convening a learning exchange or OIC-wide policy seminar focused on new
farmer organization-promotion policy developments by African OIC members.
Given the significant amount of policy and program experimentation occurring across
Africa – perhaps more so than in any other region – OIC Member Countries could draw
on the experiences of the 17 African OIC countries and help circulate their learnings to
the rest of the group.