Improving Agricultural Statistics in the COMCEC Region
Leadership in the developing world in the area
of agricultural statistics
New Census of Agriculture in 2014/2015
Re-activated National Agricultural Statistics
Technical Committee (NASTC)
The culture for collection of administrative
records for agricultural statistics
Use of new information technologies for data
capture, processing and dissemination
through GIS
Participation in CountrySTAT
New statisticians hired in the MAAIF
Needs of international funding agencies
Lack of financial resources
Weak coordination amongst statistical producers and
Missing role and responsibilities in the collection of
statistics. Size of informal sector (home production
and consumption)
International organization requests not consistent
with national needs and priorities
Experienced staff retirement and non-replacement
Increase in funding for sustainability in periodical surveys
Increase in human resources and physical resources
Setting up a farm (agricultural holding) registers
Conduction of more specialized surveys on food and agriculture
A comprehensive, interactive and accessible database on agricultural statistics
Improvement of the analytical capacity in UBOS and MAAIF
Training on modern statistical data collection, analysis and reporting methodologies
Training on use of statistical analysis packages and other softwares
Strengthening statistical coordination among the various partners
Institutional restructuring for statistical production in other relevant ministries and agencies
A micro and metadata dissemination policy
Publicly known data dissemination calendar
Evaluation and audit of major statistical surveys and reporting of confidence intervals
Improving the visibility of the agricultural statistics
Satellite and quarterly accounts for agriculture
Censuses of greenhouses; Surveys of irrigated land, farm structure, production cost; production and input
utilization accounts.
Consistency check of statistics produced and used by different institutions