irrigation system, irrigation method, water-yield relationships and farmer demands into
consideration. And water distribution and delivery plans should consider water
distribution network, parcel characteristics, cropping pattern and water management
The sustainability of water resources is a social, physical, economic and
ecological concept. Sustainable water resources management covers the services to
meet domestic irrigation and industrial water demands and to preserve ecosystems
without creating any threats on such resources. Following issues should be taken into
consideration for sustainability:
Water preservation through preventing waste of water,
Improving the efficiency of irrigation systems,
Improving the quality of water,
Limiting surface water withdraws based on soil, crop and irrigation
Limiting the groundwater use and withdraws.
The primary objective of irrigation projects is to maximize the economic and
social welfare. In addition to a proper operation-management-maintenance program, an
efficient training and extension system and effective input supply and marketing
systems should be established to realize such objectives. Expected benefits from the
irrigation investments would not be obtained even long after the construction of these
Irrigation infrastructure in the agricultural sector is a significant tool for
efficient, high-quality and high-income-generating crop production and socio-economic
development. Sustainability of irrigation infrastructures should be provided in parallel
to land consolidation, on-farm development services (land leveling, field drainage,
roads, land reclamation, soil conservation, etc.), farmers training and organization
(irrigation associations, farmers data bank, banking services, etc.). Participation of
producers in the activities implemented within the scope of development of
environment-friendly agricultural infrastructure should be ensured, as well as natural
resource preservation should be provided.