Water-saving methods are promoted in the COMCEC Member Countries which
have limited water resources. Irrigation areas increased over large part of the COMCEC
region between the years 1988 and 2012. Surface irrigation is used over the majority of
these areas. In the COMCEC region, especially in the countries having relatively
advanced economy and agriculture, sprinkler and localized irrigation are preferred.
(Annex 10).
African Group
In the African countries, large areas were put under irrigation in Mali, Senegal,
Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Uganda between the years 1993 and 2002. The limited
areas have been opened for irrigation in Burkina Faso, Gambia, Togo and Guinea. A
surface irrigation method is used in the majority of newly irrigated areas. In Mali,
Mozambique, Niger and Senegal, irrigation investments were made in lowland areas.
While localized irrigation is realized in Cameroon and Guinea, sprinkler irrigation has
been preferred in Chad.
Arab Group
There is an increasing irrigation investment in Arab countries just because of
both the limited land and water resources. When surface irrigation decreased in Jordan
and Tunisia, sprinkler and localized irrigation areas have increased. Surface, sprinkler
and localized irrigation areas have increased in Morocco. Localized irrigation
development is remarkable in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. In Libya, Sudan,
South Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen, irrigation investments were made on the spate
irrigation. The surface irrigation areas decreased in Oman and sprinkler and localized
irrigation systems were established in these areas.
Asian Group
Irrigation is very important for countries in Asian Group. Irrigation areas
decreased in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and increased in other countries. Bangladesh,
Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey are the countries with the highest areas opened to
irrigation. The surface irrigation is replaced by sprinkler irrigation in Azerbaijan.
Sprinkler and localized irrigation areas significantly increased in Iran. In Turkey, the