Proceedings of the 13
Meeting of the
COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group
Mr. KARAGÖL emphasized the importance of sectoral themes, which should also be considered
while submitting project proposals, published on the COMCEC website. He enumerated the
supported topics in poverty alleviation cooperation area as followings:
Developing and implementing nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions
Improving infant and young child feeding practices
Ensuring universal access to healthcare, safe water and sanitation
Providing access to safe and nutritious food for all
Enhancing vulnerable groups’ access to education
Developing political and legal framework for increasing access to inclusive education
Prioritizing gender equality and equity in access to education
Mobilizing more financial resources and human capital towards improving the quality of
Increasing quality of teachers
Increasing teaching and learning effectiveness through adoption of information and
communication technologies
Promoting better early-childhood learning opportunities through accessible and
affordable pre-primary schooling
Ensuring progressive universalism for closing the rich-poor gap in learning outcomes
Involving parents in the monitoring of their children’s education and intensifying the
parent-teacher interaction
Developing vocational skills in the OIC member countries
Increasing access to good health services in the OIC member countries
Decreasing child and maternal mortality in the OIC member countries
Mr. KARAGÖL continued his presentation with the implementation statistics, both yearly and in
sectoral basis, for the last 5 years. Also, he gave the details of the contents and activities of the
poverty alleviation projects to be implemented in 2019 by Afghanistan, Nigeria, Suriname, Turkey
Lastly, Mr. KARAGÖL gave general information about the relevant pages of the COMCEC Project
Funding website and mentioned about the timeline for the project submission. He indicated the
relevant reference materials in the Online Project Submission System to be used during the project
submission period.
6. Member State Presentations
In this section, the representatives of Indonesia, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar and Turkey made
presentations to inform the participants about policies and programs conducted in their respective
countries for improving access to health services.
Mr. Dillon ZUFRI, Social Assistance Specialist, Directorate General for Poverty Alleviation, Ministry
of Social Affairs, presented National Health Insurance System Program in Indonesia, focusing on its
impact on health access of the poor.