Proceedings of the 13
Meeting of the
COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group
Policy Discussion Session
The session was moderated by the Mr. Andi Zainal Abidin DULONG, Director at Ministry of Social
Affairs of Indonesia.
At the beginning of the session, Mr. Selçuk KOÇ, Director at the COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO),
made a brief presentation on the responses of the member countries to the policy questions on
access to health services which were sent to the Poverty Alleviation Working Group focal points by
the CCO. He also presented the policy recommendations provided in the room document.
After the presentation, Mr. DULONG gave the floor to all delegations asking their opinions and
comments for each policy recommendation. The participants shared their comments on the policy
recommendations given in the room document. Based on the intensive deliberations, the
participants have highlighted the following policy recommendations:
Developing a strategy/policy including a well-designed payment and health insurance
schemes to achieve universal health coverage
Strengthening primary healthcare particularly in poorer areas through encouraging skilled
health staff to work in rural and remote areas and enhancing integrated health promotion and
prevention interventions
Promoting the engagement of private sector in the provision of safe and quality healthcare in
close partnership with public authorities and with well-designed monitoring mechanisms
Encouraging development and upgrade of health information management systems through
designing an online-integrated health information system, allocating required resources to
health IT infrastructure and strengthening multi-sectoral coordination mechanism
COMCEC Project Funding
Mr. Burak KARAGÖL, Director at COMCEC Coordination Office delivered a presentation on utilizing
the COMCEC Project Funding (CPF) for the poverty-related projects of the member countries as
well as the OIC institutions.
In the beginning, Mr. KARAGÖL informed the participants about the essentials of COMCEC Project
Funding. He explained the two instruments of COMCEC Strategy, namely Working Groups and
Project Funding. Then, he stated the relationship between Ministerial policy recommendations,
Strategy’s principles and objectives. He gave details about the activity-based projects and research
projects. Lastly, main characteristics of COMCEC Project Funding such as membership to the WGs,
partnering with at least two member countries and satisfying the Project Preparation and
Submission Guidelines were touched upon.
The Room Document is attached as Annex 3.