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Annex XII to OIC/COMCEC-FC/33-17/REP


include the ratio of the net present value of debt relative to GDP and

government revenues, external debt servicing costs relative to exports or the

consolidated general government net lending relative to GDP. Best practices

include the OECD System of Composite Leading Indicators which is designed

to provide early signals of turning points in business cycles. OIC countries with

a high degree of integration into the global financial system might find the

signal approach methods (such as ifo Signal Approach) helpful, which assesses

the probability of a currency and banking crisis. Nations which have a high

natural disaster risk may consider negotiating standing backup credit lines for

immediate release of additional funding. Finally, the public budgets in many

OIC the member countries strongly depend on commodities which are prone to

global macroeconomic shocks. Especially the recent decline in oil prices has

led to a strong increase in newly issued public debt in some member countries.

Concerned countries should aim to diversify their economic activities into less

volatile sectors, which admittedly differ from case to case. Overall, synergies

from macroeconomic risk management may be achieved if the responsible

authorities built strong communication and coordination channels with the


Instruments to Realize the Policy Advices:

COMCEC Financial Cooperation Working Group

: In its subsequent

meetings, the Working Group may elaborate on the above-mentioned policy

areas in a more detailed manner.

COMCEC Project Funding

: Under the COMCEC Project Funding, the

COMCEC Coordination Office issues calls for project proposals each year.

With the COMCEC Project Funding, the member countries participating in the

Working Groups can submit multilateral cooperation projects to be financed

through grants by the COMCEC Coordination Office. For realizing above-

mentioned policy recommendations, the member countries can utilize the

COMCEC Project Funding facility. These projects may include organization of

seminars, training programs, study visits, exchange of experts, workshops and

preparation of analytical studies, needs assessments and training

materials/documents, etc.

