Annex 6 to OIC/COMCEC/36-20/REP
Adopted policies and programs that are not supported by detailed and transparent
implementation plans may end up being partially implemented or not implemented as a
result of departures of critical post-holders due to new appointments and other bureaucratic
obstacles. This is more than highly possible in this new era where COVID-19’s negative
effects are felt considerably. Therefore, the top challenge regarding implementation is to
design the policies and programs with an explicit implementation plan for the national and
sub-national tasks. One of the main governance challenges regarding implementation is
associated with the lack of sufficient human and financial resources. Therefore, the OIC
member countries may focus on mechanisms to train the field-work personnel so as to equip
them with relevant know-how, and to allocate sufficient financial resources to each and
every step of the implementation process.
Policy Recommendation V: Establishing an online platform/food information systems
(e.g. vulnerability atlas, food security fora) that ideally transmits real-time information
on monitoring food security and nutrition governance with a view to generating credible
data and statistics and formulating evidence-based policies.
COVID-19 pandemic has shown once more the importance of the monitoring of acute
food insecurity through the food information systems. Limited availability of timely,
reliable and consistent data on food security and nutrition hampers evidence-based decision
making by both public and private sector actors in the Member Countries as well as the
international organizations. Besides utilizing the existing instruments such as OIC Statistical
Commission (OIC-StatCom) more effectively, new projects that are inter and intra related
with other harshly affected sectors (tourism, trade, finance etc.) from COVID-19 need to
be designed and conducted to generate credible data and statistics, to strengthen the
Member Countries’ capacities to analyze them, and support the development of policies,
investment and action plans based on this evidence all across the OIC.
Policy Recommendation VI: Promoting capacity building and knowledge/experience
sharing among the OIC Member Countries in the four levels of good governance of
food security and nutrition (i.e.
(i) Policy and Legal Framework (ii) Coordination and Coherence (iii) Implementation,
and (iv) Information-Monitoring-Evaluation.)