Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
THEME 4: Contributionof NGOandother donor agencies towards improving TVET
In Gaza Strip, NGOs and other donor agencies such as ILO, World Bank, GIZ, IslamicRelief,
IDB, are working towards eradicating poverty through vocational education. Basically,
these NGOs and donor agencies are themain bodies for improving TVET sectors. Different
donor agencies are providing different supports for eradicating poverty through TVET
sectors. For instance:
They provide training programs, training of trainers (TOT), support for curriculum
development, and other activities related towards improving skill training.
Some of them work for poverty eradication through youth employment.
They alsoprovide entrepreneurship opportunities for young peoplewhograduated
from skill training.
Some of them provide small grants for business start-up.
Donor agencies manage modern equipment, labs for new courses and to arrange
expert trainers for running new programs.
Some NGOs and donor agencies organize campaigns, conferences, workshops and
advertisements toattract young people towards TVET sectors and to enhance social
awareness towards these sectors.
The above challenges are supported by the following interview data:
“There is one big program that is called "Youth Empowerment Program", which is
implemented by Islamic Relief. Also we have a work-base program, implemented by the
Belgium Agency PTC”. (P6)
“We are NGO and we hope, we can work with ILO in the future through providing self-
employment, short-term employment courses for our graduates, and package of services,
for example, any counselling guidance, training, post graduate trainings
courses on the job training, entrepreneurship opportunities with small grants for start-
ups”. (P2)
“The NGO and other donors have played main roles in supporting our college especially
the TVET sectors. We have many successful relationships with some NGOs, especially
German Institution in Gaza such as GIZ, the Belgium institution and PTC. PTC and GIZ are
playing the main part [role] in providing the sectors [TVET] with more advanced
equipment. Also they are providing us with trainers, especially in the new programs such
as solar and renewable energy programs for our students, and they also manage to build
new labs in the college that are equipped with new equipment for any program and
sector” (P5)
“We arranged TVET week with private sectors, and institutions, and we made many
activities in that week to show youth and their families - what TVET can open to them,
how to find jobs in private sectors and how to provide his own business by
with TVET institutions/sectors, [and] give and guide them towards starting their own
business. So we are making our efforts now with our partners to improve and motivate
people to go for the TVET education which is one of the most important solution to
improve their life condition and get a job in local or other market”. (P3)