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Risk Management in Transport PPP Projects

In the Islamic Countries


World Bank Group (2019). Strategic Assessment: The 2019 Project Pipeline for Jordan and

Investment Opportunities


Phone interviews

Phone interviews have been organized with representatives of the Public-Private Partnership

Unit (UKAS) - Ministry of Finance, by end of July 2019 and Express Rail Link Sdn, by end of

August 2019.


Abd Rashid, S., Ghazali, F. M., Zainun, N. Y., (2016), The awareness of private finance

initiative (PFI)/Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects: government prospective, ARPN

Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences VOL. 11, NO. 16, AUGUST 2016 ISSN 1819-


Ahmad, U., Ibrahim, Y. B., Abu Bakr, A.B, (2018), Malaysian Public-Private Partnership

Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Volume 22, Special Issue, 2018

Ahmad, U., Ibrahim, Y., Minai, M., (2017), Public-Private Partnership in Malaysia: The

Differences in Perceptions on the Criticality of Risk Factors and Allocation of Risks

between the Private and Public Sectors, International Review of Management and

Marketing, 2017, 7(2), 138-150

Asia-Pacific Community of Practice on Managing for Development Results (APCoP),

Seminar on Results Management for Public Sector Excellence- Public-Private Partnership

for Development Results (November 2013), presentation “Institutional arrangements,

Monitoring and Evaluation”

COMCEC (2019), Infrastructure Financing through Islamic Finance in the Islamic


Dehornoy, J., (2010), PPPs in the rail sector - A review of 27 projects

Hashim, H., (2018), Malaysian sukuk: A superior alternative to traditional bonds, The

Malaysian Reserve

Howling Pixel, (2018), “Express Rail Link”. Available at: en/Express_Rail_Link

Ismail Abdul Rahman, I. A., Memon, A. H, Zulkiffli, N. S. M., (2014), Failure Reasons of PPP

Infrastructure Projects: Case Study of Kuala Lumpur LRT Project Life Science Journal


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), (2010), Preparatory survey for Public-

Private-Partnership (PPP) Infrastructure Development Projects in the Republic of the

Philippines, annex final report

Lop, N. S., Ismail, K. H., Isa, M., (2018), The Execution of Key Performance Indicators in the

Operational Phase of PFI Projects in Malaysia

Markom, R., Ali, E.R.A.E., (2012) A legal analysis of successful and problematic Build

Operate and Transfer projects in Malaysia, International Journal of Business and Society,

Vol. 13 No. 2, 2012, 133-150

OIC Statistics (OICStat) Database