Planning of National Transport Infrastructure
In the Islamic Countries
Public consultation and stakeholder participation have been practiced by most of the
OIC countries with different levels of involvement. The procedures however require
PPP is also being the most common practice of financing although the success rate in
increasing project funding from the private sector is low. The largest share of transport
infrastructure funding is mostly from IFIs. Road user charges are in place and cover a
small portion of the operation and maintenance costs.
Content of NTI plan
An NTMP is most of the time a visionary (abstract) long-term document, while a
medium-term (transport) plan contains a list of concrete investment projects, be it at
the ambition level or already formally approved.
Many NTI plans are output based, that is to say the direct results of activities, for
instance the number of km of roads, number of bridges and interchanges that should be
built. While good NTI planning practices are outcome based, which refers to the short-
or medium term development results that are caused by the outputs, for instance
increase in level of service and accessibility, reduction in accidents and improvement in
human development.
Most of the NTI plans are not compliant with or not taking the Sustainable Development
Goals into account.
Data collection method
In some cases, data for plans and projects are collects as needed by consultants and
research institutes through surveys of various kinds, such as household survey and
traffic survey. In other cases, transportation data is collected annually by the Ministry of
Transport or the National Bureau of Statistic.
Monitoring and evaluation
The monitoring and evaluation system has been developing rapidly in the recent years
in the OIC countries, even though the former is being more implemented than the latter.
In some countries the monitoring process is coordinated by the ministry who developed
the NTI plan, while in other countries it is done by a separate agency.
In Malaysia, the infrastructure development program is implemented and monitored by
a separate hybrid delivery unit which became one of the most prominent delivery units
in the world
4.1.2. General Situation of NTI Planning in OIC Countries
This section concludes the views of the surveyed OIC Member States on the general situation of
NTI planning in their countries.
Figure 42 shows that Asia appears to be performing marginally better than the other regions.
This does not mean that infrastructure development is poorer as a consequence, not at all, only
that planning procedures are different.