Destination Development and
Institutionalization Strategies
In the OIC Member Countries
DMO Governance and Organizational Structure
Most DMOs in Spain are governmental entities as in the case of the Patronato Provincial de Turismo de
Granada, however, some are public-private partnerships resulting from forming consortiums with private
stakeholders as in the case of Barcelona’s Turisme Consortium. On the national level, Tourespana is
responsible for tourism, while on the provincial level each provincial government has its own destination
management organization, such as the Patronato Provincial de Turismo de Granada. Local DMOs such as the
Barcelona Activa and Turisme de Barcelona Consortium are members of the provincial DMO, in their case the
Catalan Tourist Board.
Figure 22: Spain TourismManagement Structure
Source: Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Tourist Board)
In Granada, the Patronato Provincial de Turismo de Granada is a governmental provincial destination
management organization, which consists of four departments: the administration, marketing, tourism
planning and development, and information departments.
In Barcelona, the Turisme Consortium general board consists of a president, the Mayor of Barcelona, three
vice presidents, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, an appointee by the mayor and an appointee by
the Barcelona Promotion Foundation, and 26 chairpersons (11 from City Council, 12 from Chamber of
Commerce and three from the Barcelona Promotion Foundation). The Consortium’s Managing Director, the
City Council’s Coordinator for Economy and Businesses Sector, and the Chamber of Commerce Managing
Director are alsomembers of the Consortium’s general board. The Consortiumstructure and departments are
outlined in the following diagram.
About the Catalan Tourist Board. (n.d.). Retrieved fro
m board/?lang=en246
Interview with team member of Tourism Planning and Development, Patronato Provincial de Toursimo de Granada.
Organizational Chart for BarcelonaTurisme [Chart]. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Catalan Tourist Board
Barcelona Activa
Turisme de Barcelona Consortium
Patronato Provincial de
Turismo de Granada
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