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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries


commented that although the restaurants in the hotel had halal certificates a character, a sense

of identity was necessary.

In Lombok, hotels are also promoting themselves as Islamic, with nine so far having gained

coveted Shariah certification. The system of stars for conventional hotels is enhanced. Shariah

accommodation is labeled with the crescent moon, a symbol associated with Islam, with the

best receiving three. A hotel must have signs pointing towards Mecca and copies of the Koran

in its rooms, as well as a kitchen where halal food can be prepared, to gain its first crescent



Most Attractions & Activities (shopping, beaches, sightseeing etc.)

Most Shopping Malls and attractions do offer Halal food and prayer rooms. However, there are

almost no beach resorts that offer private beaches as the ones offered in some parts of Turkey.


Travel agents/Tour operators

Indonesia outbound tour operators are now looking at providing Muslim friendly inbound

packages to Indonesia. It is still not widespread.

Irawan Surya Kusuma, Founder & CEO at Trip on Halal based in Jakarta mentioned the

following points on the tour operators:


No player really dominates the global Muslim travel niche. The opportunity is strong and

many vendors are participating in various market segment areas.


Although there are a couple of other players in the region with the same focus as Trip on

Halal there is market opportunity for both payers to coexist.

His comments highlight the potential growth opportunity. Even as number of vendors

increase, the chance for future growth remains strong.


Human capital

In Indonesia there is relatively good knowledge and expertise towards catering to the Muslim

traveler. There are also increasing number of workshops targeted at educating the industry on

the MFT market. However, as the case across the OIC destinations, there is no structured

program to develop human resources to cater to the MFT sector.



The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Indonesian Ulema Council signed a

MOU to make Indonesia a premier destination for Muslim friendly tourism. Also the

government is very supportive in promoting Indonesia as a Muslim travel destination. It has

produced tourist guides promoting Indonesia as a ‘Muslim friendly destination’. It highlights

the country’s best ‘sharia’ tourism destinations and notes there are more than 600,000

mosques in the archipelago.