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Community Based Tourism

Finding the Euilibrium in the COMCEC Context


Source: SNV

For a full list of all control criteria, see “A Toolkit for Monitoring and Managing Community-Based Tourism” at community-based_tourism.pdf

After finalizing the CBT brand concept with its color, logo, slogan and personality, planned

steps, actions, and tactics are implemented and necessary investment is made (financial,

time, effort, hope) during this stage. Some plans may be implemented as originally planned

but some plans may need to be modified in the process due to changes in the environment.

2.4.1. Policy Framework Adjustments, Standardization and Certification

An integrated policy document is formulated from macro to micro level government to aim

participatory planning, development and management. The document is supposed to

promote CBT with clear principles, goals and a step-by-step program, specific action plans

on increasing local representation, prioritizing their needs and interest in planning,

promoting benefits of communal land to locals, enhancing locals’ right over natural

resources and communal land, supporting local enterprises, investing in communal lands,

areas, and natural resources. The Republic of Namibia has developed such a policy

document in 2005, which can be used as a benchmark by other countries that need similar

enabling policy changes to promote CBT. Box 9 lists some areas that an appropriate and

enabling policy framework is supposed to focus on.

Such a CBT promoting po


icy document, however, does not guarantee application of its

principles, steps and actions per se. There could be a discrepancy between the officially

declared policies and the actual implementations by governments. (Mershen, 2007). Such a

gap between the official statement and reality can be detrimental on locals’ trust,

motivation and commitment regarding the CBT endeavors.

Box 9. Some areas that an enabling policy framework is supposed to focus on

enable local governance and equity in local participation in planning, decision-making,

development, investment, ownership,

provide land tenure and access rights to common property resources ,

allocate and mobilize financial resources,

provide loans with reasonable terms for the locals,

allow tax breaks to encourage investment,

legalize and license CBT enterprises,

assign reasonable and necessary standards that ensure tourist safety,

develop certifications necessary for quality, visibility and reputation,


Longevity of tourism businesses (rate of turnover)

Cost/price ratios of accommodation, attractions, tours and packages compared to


2.4. Development and Investment