Single Window Systems
In the OIC Member States
addition, there is a no proper business processes catalogue to document, and define dependencies
and data associated with the workflow.
Why does it matter?
Lack of coherent data and process mapping and syntax on reference data lead to processing errors,
especially in the statistics, analysis and reporting services.
2. Lack of Integration into End-to-end Business Processes of Agencies
At present, one of the main problems facing SWs is that there is no harmonized IT strategy across
the government. Many government agencies therefore don’t have a vision and operate isolated IT
systems, partially covering they business processes.
The result is that data and knowledge information exists in isolation from each other and IT systems
do not communicate with each other.
Why is it important
In such an isolated environment there is no easy way to exchange data between systems, o
implement higher-level intelligence, and to enhance and upgrade these systems to support the SW
functionalities The Single Windows also cannot leverage the totality of data that exists across
3. Lack of Analysis and Reporting Services
Most of the OIC Member States SW do not use data warehouse and business intelligence services.
The reporting and analysis services are based on enquiry of the SW production system on ad-hock
basis. This approach is reducing the SW IT system performance and reports and analysis are not
delivered in accurate and timely manner.
Why does it matter?
Ad-hoc produced analysis and reports can lead to wrong or inaccurate decision-making.
Policy Options
1. Business Process Management Concept and Reference Data
BPM becomes widely accepted as a mechanism for business improvement and simplification of the
workflow. With the implementation of BPM concept costs can be reduced, business process quality
improved. The BPM must be properly labelled, linked with dependencies, defined and documented,
and organized in a Business Process Catalogue
. With this approach, the business processes can be
re-used with minimum changes
SW Business Process Catalogue contains detailed description for Business Processes, Business Transactions, Message
Flow Diagram (Message Scheme – EDIFACT or XML) and data models associated with the business processes.