Single Window Systems
In the OIC Member States
Policy Options
1. Increase Absorption Capacity of the SWEntity and Project Management Team in Particular
The SW operating entity should be integral part of the technical committee that decides on
partner and sourcing strategy and, if a third party implements part of the solution, a sufficient
number of trained staff need to be assigned to work full time with the third party contractor.
2. Hand Over Control to Single Window Operator
Some financing instruments allow transfer of funds directly to the SW entity. This allows better
control and engagement of the SW operators.
3. Use of Accepted Project Management Methodology
Use consistently an accepted project management methodology that provides monitoring tools,
quality assurance, risk management and the definition of roles, tasks and responsibilities.
4. More Attention to Preparatory Work
Embed Business Process Management into preparatory work to prepare business process
Include the assessment of the required legal change in the preparatory phase and include an
administrative/legal expert in the Business Process Management (BPM). Ideally required changes
to the regulations and processes are identified during the BPA, legislation is revised, and then
reflected in the services / processes.
5. Monitor Implementation at Agency Level
As the implementation of changes at agency and stakeholder level is crucial, the adherence and
pace of agency implementation can be monitored during the implementation process using
change indicators. This monitoring enables the project team to be aware of the extent to which
members have adopted the change.
The resistance to change can be on the organisational and personal level. On a personal level, a
SW comes with changes in daily practices: Desk officers see their role and discretionary power
disappear. Whilst previously they had visible responsibility they operate behind the computer.
Some fear uncertainty with regards to their responsibilities and legal liabilities, and others may
fear job loss. On an organizational level, organizations may fear that tasks, responsibilities and
budgets are taken away from them and that their regulatory objectives are compromised.
Strategies to overcome resistance can include the following three elements
Recognition and persuasion can be combined to overcome resistance on a personal level.
Recognition requires that the role of the agency is reflected and recognized in the BPA.
Persuasion can be achieved by different approaches:
Involving front office desk officers in pilots and testing of the system to allow them to
experience and provide feedback.
Rewarding supportive behaviour and performance is also a useful approach.