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Improving the SMEs Access to Trade Finance


in the OIC Member States


The mapping exercise may be dynamic – map one jurisdiction to another for six months, the

change the twinning criteria based on a shift in priorities or a change in the element of trade

and trade finance that is being assessed or developed.

This recommendation involves an initial step of analysis and matching of jurisdictions,

followed by the formalization or relationships and dynamics in the form of collaborative and

mutually supportive twinning programs. The initial study, covering all OIC Member States, and

identifying twin jurisdictions for each, could be completed on the basis of a fixed-price

research engagement, for perhaps $40-60,000.

Recommendation 5: Undertake an IFI and ECA Best Practices Study

The critical importance of the role of IFIs and ECAs has been discussed in some detail, both

with reference to the global system and with reference to OIC Member States specifically.

Not all OIC Member States have developed an export credit agency, nor are all OIC Member

States equally conversant with or active in the trade finance programs of international

financial institutions, including ITFC.

It is recommended that specific analysis be undertaken to determine the key success factors of

the leading IFI trade finance programs, with a view to incorporating best practices into the

activities of ITFC, ICIEC and others. Consider the value of undertaking a program review

around the Aman Union, to determine whether there are opportunities to replicate and

enhance this credit risk initiative with a complementary union focused on the collaborative

provision of liquidity and financing.

There is urgency in developing a robust infrastructure and support network around trade

finance in OIC Member States, and the role of ECAs and IFIs in such areas is expanding. OIC

Member States will benefit from a structured analysis of ECA and IFI best practices both within

OIC Member States and more broadly among leading trading nations and users of ECA credit

and cover.

As above, the initial step in this recommendation involves study and analysis. An IFI/ECA Best

Practices study can leverage some degree of existing material, but it is clear that a custom view

will be necessary, and that primary interaction with key stakeholders will be facilitated to the

degree possible.

An assessment of this type, with the probable significant scope of comparative analysis might

be completed by domain experts for $200,000.

Recommendation 6: Training and Competency Development

Knowledge gaps among policy makers, SMEs and mid-market businesses, and bankers,

motivate the need for significant focus on training, on the development of competencies and

capabilities in trade and supply chain finance.

It is recommended that OIC Member States undertake targeted capacity and competency

development training initiatives, even at a high level initially, with invited bankers, policy