Enhancing Public Availability of Customs Information
In the Islamic Countries
Annex 1 – Semi-Structured Interview Instrument
The purpose of this document is to provide the outline for a 20-30 minute discussion with
government officials and other knowledgeable parties dealing with public availability of customs
information. The questions are designed to be starting points for a broader discussion, and the
interviewee should be asked at the end if there is any supplementary or complementary
information s/he wishes to provide. When precise quantitative data are not available, interviewees
should be asked to provide “best guess” estimates based on their experience. The intended audience
includes officials of relevant agencies, line ministries (trade, and agriculture), international
development partners, and potentially representatives of the private sector, including peak bodies
(chambers of commerce).
What is the scope of information dissemination to the public?
What is the extent to which trade related rules, regulations and procedures are published?
How they are published? Which tools and techniques employed?
When are trade related rules, regulations, and procedures published? Is a
comment/consultation period systematically provided for?
What is the contribution of information communication technology in this regard?
Is there any need for institutional and administrative arrangements in order for an effective
dissemination of customs information to the relevant stakeholders? Which agencies are
involved in dissemination of customs information?
Is there any consultative process? How does it operate?
What kind of benefits are obtained from the public availability of customs information?
Are there enquiry points, call centers, or information centers?
Is there a trade portal? How does it operate?
Is there prior notification of changes in procedures or release of new regulations?
Is there an effective advance ruling system in place?
13. What is the scope of advance ruling?
Is there an appeal mechanism? How does it operate?
15. What are the challenges encountered in the effective implementation of public availability
of customs information?
16. What are the key lessons that have emerged from recent experience in this area?
Is there any need for technical assistance to develop an information dissemination system?
18. What is the current state of implementation of Articles 1-4 of the WTO Trade Facilitation
Agreement? Are there any current systems or plans for future systems that enhance the
public availability of customs information beyond what is required by the Agreement?