Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
As the data indicates, all Turkish participants cook more than one meal at least once a week to
meet the wishes of different members of their households. 27% of them stated that they cook
more than one meal almost every day.
40% of the surveyed population in Uzbekistan reported to cook more than one meal one day in
the week, 15% two days in the week, 20% said that they do it three days in the week, 5% four
days and they were 20% to state that they do so five times or more.
Disposal of un-eaten food
Table 52: Key causes to get rid of the food that is uneaten
Afghanistan Benin Cameroon Saudi
Arabia Senegal Turkey Uzbekistan
Health reasons
26% 44% 39% 31% 48% 23%
To avoid food
19% 42% 23% 34% 10% 33%
To keep the
fridge clean
20% 38% 9%
I prefer fresh
daily cooked
2% 12%
8% 5% 21%
Old food does
not taste well
2% 19%
7% 0% 14%
When Afghanistan respondents were asked about the key causes to get rid of the food that is not
eaten, the most frequently mentioned reason was “I prefer fresh daily cooked food” (28%),
followed by
Health reasons
(26%) and then
Oldfood does not taste well
When Beninese respondents were asked about the key causes to get rid of the food that is not
eaten, the most frequently mentioned reason was
health reasons
(44%), followed by
to avoid
food poisoning
(42%) and
to keep the fridge clean
When Cameroonian respondents were asked about the key causes to get rid of the food that is
not eaten, the most frequently mentioned reason was
health reasons
(39%), followed by
to avoid
food poisoning
(23%) and
old food does not taste well
When Saudi participants are asked to list the three key causes for them to get rid of the food that
is not eaten, the first reason that was most frequently given was “to avoid food poisoning” (for
34% of the respondents), then for health reasons (for 31% of the respondents) and thirdly to
keep the fridge clean (for 20% of the respondents).
When Senegalese respondents were asked about the key causes to get rid of the food that is not
eaten, the most frequently mentioned reason was
health reasons
(48%), followed by
to fridge
When Turkish participants are asked to list the three key causes for them to get rid of the food
that is not eaten, the most frequently given answer was “to avoid food poisoning” by 33% of the
cases, followed by health reasons (23%) and “I prefer fresh daily cooked food” (21%).