Improving Institutional Capacity:
Strengthening Farmer Organizations in the OIC Member Countries
Annex 1. Farmer Organizations in OIC Member States: Cross-
Country Comparative Analysis
This annex provides more details behind the cross-country comparative analysis presented in
Chapter 3.1 of this report, including country-specific answers to each of the questions posed,
and the corresponding sources used. As described in the body of the report, the analysis aims
to capture the country-level picture of Farmer Organization strength through understanding
the policy enabling environment, as well as the market structure. To this end, the following
questions were researched by reviewing public qualitative and quantitative data sources from
across the OIC:
Does the country have a co-operative law that gives legal standing to farmer
Does the government have a body with the specific mandate to work with farmer
Has the Government announced any recent policy initiatives explicitly designed to
encourage farmer organizations?
What is the current strength of the farmer organization movement in the country?
For the fourth and final question to estimate farmer organization strength, additional
information on methodology is provided in Annex 1.2.
Country-specific answers to each question follows overleaf, presented by regional group. Note
that research for this study was conducted in English, French, and Arabic, which meant that
researchers were not able to capture every country within the OIC, as some countries do not
publish any documents (e.g. Ministry of Agriculture reports) in those three languages. As a
result, the tables below focus on 51 of the 57 OIC member states. Thus, the omission of any one
country from the tables below is merely the result of the availability of public research sources
and should not be construed as a negative finding on a certain country.