Improving Institutional Capacity:
Strengthening Farmer Organizations in the OIC Member Countries
Survey questions
Impact Capacity (3 of 3)
Technical Assistance & Other Services
Financial Services :
115. Does the farmer organization help its member’s
access financial services from another source (e.g.
savings organizations)?
Yes (please specify what kind) (=1)
116. Does the farmer organization provide credit to
its members?
117. What is the credit provided for? (max points 3)
Inputs and equipment (=1)
Fixed assets (warehouse, housing
etc.) (=2)
Working capital (=2)
118. What collateral does it ask for?
119 What is the interest rate?
120. What is the average number of members who use the service annually?
121. What other financial services (e.g. insurance)
does the farmer organization provide? (max points
None (=0)
Savings (=1)
Insurance (=1)
Other (=1)
Advisory & Knowledge Services:
122. Does the farmer organization provide advisory
and knowledge services (e.g. technical training for
123. What kind of knowledge services does the farmer organization provide?
124 What is the frequency of training?
Monthly (=3)
Annually (=2)
Less than once a year(=1)
Other (please specify)(Less than
once a year = 1, more than
monthly = 3)
Advocacy, Policy & Collaboration: