Improving Institutional Capacity:
Strengthening Farmer Organizations in the OIC Member Countries
Annex 1.2. Strength of farmer organization classification
Three questions were posed in order to collect three different quantitative metrics to estimate
the strength of the farmer organization movement on a country-by-country basis. The three
questions are as follows:
What percentage of smallholder farmers belong to a farmer organization?
What is the total membership in farmer organizations?
How many farmer organizations are estimated to exist in the country?
Given data scarcity, the first two metrics were both used to estimate the percentage of farmers
in Farmer Organizations, and the third metric was used when neither were available. As such,
the final farmer organization classification depends on whether the percentage of farmer
organizations or the relative number of farmer organizations fall within certain parameters,
and as is subsequently classified as a very strong, strong or less strong.
Figure 15. Methodology to classify farmer organization strength
Country-specific answers to each question follows overleaf, presented by regional group.
Less strong movement
Strong movement
Very strong movement
(>50% farmers in FOs
or >20 FOs per 10,000
farm labor force
20-50% in FOs or 5-20
FOs per 10,000 farm
labor force
<20% in FOs or <5 FOs
per 10,000 farm labor