Proceedings of the 13
Meeting of the
Transport and Communications Working Group
Developing a data collection system along the transport corridors
Developing an enabling legal, institutional and regulatory framework for enhancing
cooperation among the enroute countries along the transport corridors
Establishing a dedicated corridor coordination unit for facilitating corridor governance
Promoting the development of transport corridor governance
Planning of national transport infrastructure in the OIC member states
Improving transport project appraisals in the Islamic Countries
Improving risk management in transport PPP projects in the OIC member countries
Mr. KARAGÖL continued his presentation with the implementation statistics, both yearly and in
sectoral basis, for the last 5 years. Also, he gave the details of the contents and activities of the
Transport and Communications projects implemented in 2019 by the Gambia, Iran, and Jordan.
Lastly, Mr. KARAGÖL gave general information about the relevant pages of the COMCEC Project
Funding website and mentioned about the timeline for the project submission. He indicated the
relevant reference materials in the Online Project Submission System to be used during the
project submission period.
Presentations of the Member States
Mr. Vugar ORUJOV, Senior Adviser, Transport Policy Division, Ministry of Transport,
Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, made a presentation on
Azerbaijan’s experiences concerning the improving transport project appraisals.
At the outset of the presentation, Mr. ORUJOV touched upon the task sharing among the relevant
national authorities. He stated that if the project covers an area, the responsible Governmental
Organization specifically carries out the project appraisal for the project in question. In this
respect, the project appraisals in terms of railway projects are carried out by the Azerbaijan
Railways (CJSC) and road projects are appraised by the State Agency of Automobile Roads.
Mr. ORUJOV continued her presentation by giving some information regarding the decision-
making process during the acceptance of a project to be implemented. He underscored that first
of all a feasibility study is prepared for the project idea. Then this feasibility study is submitted
to the Cabinet of Ministers. This followed by the circulation of the document among relevant
authorities for giving their recommendations. After summarizing all proposals the Cabinet of
Ministers sends to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to make a decision. If the
document is approved by the President, he decides the allocation of necessary fund and projects