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Proceedings of the 13


Meeting of the

Transport and Communications Working Group


Finally, The role of

ex-post evaluation

should be increased by introducing obligations for

MRUD-affiliated organizations to carry out such in-depth studies on a sample of investments

after 5 or/and 10 years since their entry into operation, with the goal of detecting deviations

from the initial projects and learn from experience.

Case study Jordan

Project appraisal is firmly embedded in the transport sector in Jordan. Although there is no law

stipulating that project appraisal is to be carried out for all projects, the PPP Law describes the

technical requirements that must be presented for any PPP project, which include the financial

feasibility of the project, the updated Sustainability Report, and the cost-benefit analysis.

Recently, the transport sector strategy (LTNTS) has been developed, resulting in a multi-modal

implementation pipeline of transport projects, based on the feasibility analysis of different

scenarios of implementation, evaluated and prioritized through a multi-criteria analysis (MCA),

including cost-benefit analysis (CBA).

Our recommendations are to:

Take full benefit of the

transport strategy

and its pipeline of projects.

It is recommended to

standardize input parameters

(see the recommendation on

transport project appraisal manual).

Make use of the PPP Unit in

matching supply and demand. Closer interaction could be

established between the PPP Unit and the relevant ministries and authorities in transport to

jointly develop a common approach on project appraisal

Creating a

transport project appraisal manual


It is recommended to develop a project

appraisal manual, with standardized input parameters, including amongst others discount

rate, the value of time, the value of statistical life, project duration.

Build further

appraisal capacity

in the transport sector. It is recommended to further

capacitate the relevant ministries and authorities in transport project appraisal. Although

basic knowledge and experience are certainly present, enhanced capacity in this field would

enable the ministries and authorities to be a stronger counterpart to the private sector

consultants, carrying out the feasibility studies, and be better equipped to carry out quality


Case study Mozambique

To maximize the economic utilization of Mozambique's geographical position, and to support

regional integration within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, the

Government has placed the development of regional corridors as one of its key developmental

priorities. To this end, Mozambique has been cooperating with partners such as the African

Development Bank to develop the Nacala Road Corridor. Furthermore, a Transport Master Plan

for the area of Maputo has been developed.