Proceedings of the 14
Meeting of
The COMCEC Trade Working Group
The 14
Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group was held on October 24
, 2019 in
Ankara, Turkey, with the theme of “Improving Customs Transit Systems in Islamic Countries”.
TheMeeting was attended by the representatives of 20 Member States, which have notified their
focal points for the Trade Working Group. Representatives of the COMCEC Coordination Office,
SMIIC, UNESCAP, and Ankara Logistics Base have also attended the Meeting.
At the outset, the representative of the COMCEC Coordination Office informed the participants
about the trade outlook of theMember Countries. Then the participants considered the Research
Report titled “Improving Customs Transit Systems in Islamic Countries” prepared for the
Meeting with a view to enriching the discussions.
Moreover, the Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences,
achievements and challenges regarding Customs Transit Systems in their respective countries.
The participants had the chance to discuss the policy options for enhancing the cooperation in
this important field. The Room Document based on the findings of the above-mentioned
Research Report and the answers of the Member Countries to the policy questions were the
main inputs for the discussions during the policy debate session.
The list of participants is attached as Annex 4.