Proceedings of the 14
Meeting of
The COMCEC Trade Working Group
Most of the current bilateral, regional, and multilateral agreements are not in line with the
transit provisions identified in international instruments, standards, and recommendations.
Policy Advice 2: Establishing/Developing an efficient electronic exchange of information system
among all relevant agencies, particularly among neighboring countries
The efficient exchange of information, without prejudice to national security, among all relevant
agencies involved en route, including customs, transport control units, security authorities, particularly
among neighboring countries, is a crucial element for management and monitoring of transit
In order to maximize the positive impact of exchange of information among the national relevant
authorities, in particular among the national customs authorities related to CTR, it is a must to establish
of a common concept - standard for the electronic and automatic exchange of pre-arrival information
in (near) “real-time” between CAs. This is particularly important due to:
Existence of different ICT technological development level (some of the member countries
having technologically obsolete IT Systems),
Use of different Customs Declaration Processing Systems,
Lack of national regulatory basis for exchange of information with other customs services.
Policy Advice 3: Developing an efficient guarantee management and monitoring system for
Customs Transit Regimes
The amount of CTR guarantees should be as low as possible and not exceed the sum of the highest
rates of customs duties that would be applicable to the transit Customs territory. Customs should be
flexible in the form of security required by not insisting on cash deposits, or by accepting general
security instruments covering single or multiple transit operations.
It is highly recommended for customs administrations to develop a standard procedure for granting a
comprehensive guarantee, in which they calculate the guarantee amount on the basis of the volume of
transit operations carried out by the applicant in the earlier period.
When calculating the guarantee amount, the followings should not be taken into account:
Any potentially chargeable penalties;
Any interest for delayed payment;
Other concerns that would increase the guarantee amount or hinder transit operations
According to the evaluation of the risk, the authorisation to use the comprehensive guarantee with full
guarantee amount shall be granted only to a person who satisfies the conditions set up by the national