Moderated Session: Main Challenges and Success Factors for
Sustainable Food Systems
Under this agenda ite, moderation session was held under the moderation of Mr. Fatih ÜNLÜ,
Senior Expert from COMCEC Coordination Office.
At the outset, Mr. Haroon LATIF , Consultant from the Dinarstandard made a short presentation
on the main challenges and success factors for sustainable food systems. Mr. Haroon, stated some
factors adversely affecting sustainable food systems. These are low level of agricultural and labor
productivity; lack of reliable and up-to-date data on food security;price fluctuations of food
products; limited/low level of intra trade for food products in the OIC region due to high tariff and
non-tariff barriers;adverse effects of climate change on agriculture and food systems (drought,
water scarcity) and poor risk management of natural disasters.
After the presentation, the participants had a lively discussion and the following possible
challenges and problems
in increasing the resilience of the food systems in the Member
are highlighted:
Low level of agricultural and labor productivity
Expensive input costs for plant and animal production
Small and fragmented land structure
Decrease in arable lands
Inefficient use of agricultural machinery and technologies
Weak market performance and challenges in access to market
Lack of reliable and up-to-date data on food security
Inadequate agricultural planning and strategy development
Political instabilities (i.e. forced movement of farming population, insufficient
institutionalization, etc.) in some parts of the OIC geography
Poor infrastructure and related services
Limited agro-industry investment
Poor legal and regulatory framework
Low priority accorded to the agricultural sector, particularly in the young population, in
most of the Member States
Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization
High subsidies and protective measures in the agricultural sectors of developed countries
Price fluctuations of food products
Limited/low level of intra trade for food products in the OIC region due to high tariff and
non-tariff barriers, non-compliance of food products to required food safety and quality
Adverse effects of climate change on agriculture and food systems (drought, water
Poor risk management of natural disasters
Increasing risk of food adulteration and limited food defense systems in the OIC
Insufficient international branding in food industry and agriculture in general
Insufficient veterinary services for animal husbandry and fisheries
Insufficient financing instruments in agriculture
Difficulties arising from different practices of land tenure system (i.e. women lack land
ownership, etc.) in some parts of the OIC region
Insufficient extension services