Planning of National Transport Infrastructure
In the Islamic Countries
Overall, the NTI plan should have mandatory force from legislation that embraces the
foregoing recommendations emanating from transport policy.
The concrete objectives are set in the SDRAN, which concerns only roads and motorways,
first policy recommendation regards the inclusion of non-motorized transport in the
Plans should be outcome not output based.
The focus of the plans should be broadened from a strong orientation to road, to the other
A stronger public-private partnership and a higher involvement of the private sector
The subdivision of the plan in four periods of five years should be subject to an annual
Linked to the last recommendation, there should be higher flexibility in adapting when
sudden deviations from initial plans occur.
The transfer of responsibility’s mandate for rural roads to local authorities has not been
accompanied by a corresponding financial transfer. For this decentralization to be effective,
the financial transfer is also recommended.
Monitoring and evaluation processes should be strengthened. A parallel of the Committee
for Strategic Orientation and the Observation and Monitoring Office to monitor the SDRAN
and evaluate if the plan is effective for the achievement of the objectives should be